Failed to start apc pbe agent service.
Failed to start apc pbe agent service.

failed to start apc pbe agent service.

STATUS | wrapper | 4 12:46:57 | Launching a JVM.ĮRROR | wrapper | 4 12:46:58 | JVM exited while loading the application. STATUS | wrapper | 4 12:46:52 | Launching a JVM.ĮRROR | wrapper | 4 12:46:53 | JVM exited while loading the application. INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | See for more details.ĮRROR | wrapper | 4 12:46:48 | JVM exited while loading the application. INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | -d64 use a 64-bit data model if available INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | -d32 use a 32-bit data model if available INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | where options include: INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | (to execute a jar file) INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | or java -jar jarfile INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | (to execute a class) INFO | jvm 1 | 4 12:46:48 | Usage: java class STATUS | wrapper | 4 12:46:48 | Launching a JVM. From the logs, this is what I could find (I cut most of the non-needed lines): STATUS | wrapper | 4 12:46:47 | -> Wrapper Started as Service In this folder, there is a wrapper.log as well as nf so that looked like a good starting point.


So first of all, the Windows Service that couldn’t start is the “Migration Center Job Server” which uses the wrapper.exe which can be found in the installation folder (E.g.: D:\fmeAG\migration-center Server Components 3.3\). You guessed it, I found the issue, otherwise I wouldn’t have written this blog in the first place… Since I had a few hours available at that time and since I was much more familiar with the fmeAG Migration Center, I tried to really find the issue and not just apply a – kind of stupid – workaround. A few weeks ago, I faced the exact same issue on another environment.

failed to start apc pbe agent service.


The first time I faced this issue, it was about an fmeAG Migration Center installation and as said in this previous blog, I’m not an expert in this software so I started to work on the Windows side of the issue and I found a workaround, which I explained in the above mentioned blog. Once those permissions were added for my SSRS Service Account, my SSRS instance came up without issues.Some months ago, I wrote a blog regarding a Windows Service not starting up with the error 1067. Since those are local accounts, make sure that when you are adding permissions, you search for those accounts from the local machine location.

failed to start apc pbe agent service.

Since I was using the ‘Virtual Service Account’ for my SSRS instance, I grabbed the exact user account used from SQL Server Configuration Manager for my SSRS instance. Search for those 2 groups in Groups, and add your SSRS Service Account. Run lusrmgr.msc to open the Local Users and Groups console. The issue is more related to the following blog: Įnsure that your SSRS Service Account is added as part of the Performance Monitor Users group and Performance Log Users group in the Local User and Group settings. You may have seen similar service start timeouts for SSRS noted in the past, like, but this is not it. System.Exception: Default appdomain failed to initialize.Īt (Object state) Error: Access to the registry key ‘Global’ is denied. The application domain DefaultDomain failed to initialize. In Event Viewer Application logs, you’ll see the following errors: Exception: System.Exception: Default appdomain failed to initialize.Īt .Start()Īt .OnStart(String args) PerformanceMonitor.GetData(String item)Īt (String item)Īt _CategoryTable()Īt (String machine, String category)Īt (String categoryName, String machineName)Īt .RSCounter.Init(String categoryName, String counterName, String instanceName, RSTrace tracer, Boolean resetCounter)Īt .PerformanceCounters.Init(Boolean resetCounters, String instanceName, RunningApplication runningApplication)Īt .InitServerWithoutDumperInner(Boolean resetAllPerfCounters)Īt .InitServer(Boolean resetAllPerfCounters)Īt .StartInternal(Object parentThread).Īppdomainmanager!50c0!-18:09:08:: e ERROR: Windows service failed to start. Error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the registry key ‘Global’ is denied.Īt 32Error(Int32 errorCode, String str)Īt (String name, Object defaultValue, Boolean doNotExpand, Boolean checkSecurity)Īt (String name)Īt System.Diagnostics. When you look inside of your ReportServerService logs in the LogFiles folder for Reporting Services, you’ll see the following error:Īppdomainmanager!323c!-18:09:08:: e ERROR: Appdomain:1 DefaultDomain failed to initialize. : Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.Īt (ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)Īt (Boolean start, String serviceName)

failed to start apc pbe agent service.

You might see the following exception when trying to start your Reporting Services instance:

Failed to start apc pbe agent service.